Medgyn Endosampler I ™

Product Information
022720 MedGyn Endosampler (25/Box)
022722 MedGyn Endosampler II (25/Box)
Product Description
Utilised for sampling of endometrial tissue, the unique design of the MedGyn Endosampler allows for superior accuracy and a more reliable sample than traditional endometrial sample devices. Endosampler II™ is now available with two holes for even easier suction.
Product Features
Convenient for routine gynecological use and suitable for cytologic and histologic diagnosis
Facilitates both endometrial scraping and aspiration
Avoids endometrial sample contamination
Semi-rigid 3mm curette minimizes possibility of perforation
Curette conveniently bent with sharp slot on side assures better sampling from all areas of the endometrial cavity
Backflow of collected sample is prevented by lock-spring mechanism on syringe

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